masala bhindi fry. Stuffed ladies finger.

masala bhindi fry. Stuffed ladies finger.

LadiesFinger (okra)
200 grams , red chilli powder turmeric garam masala and coriander powder.
Salt and oil.

Preparation of ladies finger /okra./bhindi.

 Wash, dry and cut in  the centre and keep it aside.

Preparation of masala/stuffing of bhindi fry.

In a big bowl, neutral red chilli powder turmeric powder garam masala coriander powder salt . Mix it well.
Put this masala stuffing inside the cut of of ladies finger.

On medium flame, shallow fry these stuffed ladies fingers in a shallow pan.
Let it get fried till brown in colour.

You can add half teaspoon of turmeric powder for chatpata sour taste.

Stuffed ladies finger bhindi fry is ready to eat.
This dish is usually liked by kids.
